Read on Neptune's blog that he is losing faith and I was left wondering what can be the reason for it? And the only reason that I could see was that things are not going the way he wants them to. May be it has been really long since things went the way he wanted them to. But can that be the reason why somebody is losing faith in himself or in God?
Yes, it can be the reason. Why? Because patience and perseverance are qualities that most of us lack. And we want time or God to be some vending machine
bas button dabaya aur jo chahiye wo haath me. Will you then ever have faith in faith?
To all those who think that there is no reason one can be happy about, I can show you hundred you can be happy about. The fact that you are able to read this blog shows:-
1. You can read - there are millions who dont even how there name looks like when you write it.
2. You have a computer - ask your domestic help does he/she know a thing about computers.
3. You have acces to the internet - you have anything and everything you want at the click of a mouse
You are lucky, you have access to facilities and things that many dont even know about. Whenever you travel the next time, look outside the window of the car/taxi/bus/train, you will know what life is. The look on the faces of the pavement dwellers, the smiles on their faces will be reason enough for you to be happy. Just the other day when I was in the bus, I saw a child sleeping on a garbage pile and he was having a sound sleep right in the middle of the hustle bustle of the streets. People were crossing that area with a handkerchief on thier faces but he was asleep and a few like him were playing just next to that garbage pile. I am sure they don't even know what is meant by the word faith. But I saw in his sound sleep, in thier careless bonhomie and smiles, the faith that numerous people look for. He is/was sure that if
he is brought to it, he will be brought through it. Faith is within you and there is no reason why you should lose it. More so when you are in a difficult situation because from there it can only be brighter. There is no other option.
Andhere ke baad to roshni hi aayegi na, andhere me aur andhkar kya aayega?
Thoda waqt zaroor lag sakta hai, par roshni jayegi kahan, aana to use padega. :)

On that note, I will keep my pen down, hoping that everybody is happy and smiling and not losing faith.